Beyond Bound Episode 27: Building Trust and Alignment, Insights from a Special Guest Speaker

Beyond Bound Episode 27: Building Trust and Alignment, Insights from a Special Guest Speaker

In a groundbreaking episode of Beyond Bound, we witnessed a dynamic exchange between seasoned athletic directors (ADs), coaches, and a special guest, Matt Finn, Head Football Coach at Roland Story High School. This innovative format, where bound directors invite distinguished coaches to share insights, promises a new realm of learning and growth within the coaching community.

Finn, a veteran of 15 years in rural Iowa, brought forth a wealth of experience, having served in various roles from high school English teacher to head football coach. His dedication to mentoring youth and collaborating with peers underscores a profound passion for his craft.

At the core of Finn's presentation is a simple yet profound principle: the Rule of Three. Reflecting on his journey, Finn shared how he moved away from complex program manuals with numerous core values, opting instead for simplicity. "The longer I was a head coach, the more I started to realize that those values just sat there in that document," he confessed. "We needed something concise, something memorable."

Emphasizing the importance of actionable values, Finn delineated the three ingredients of trust: connection, character, and competence. These pillars, he stressed, form the foundation of any successful athletic program. "Trust doesn't mean you have to be buddies," Finn explained. "It's about creating healthy boundaries within which we can work effectively."

Trust and alignment form the foundation upon which successful programs are built. It's a sentiment repeated by Coach Matt Finn, whose decades of experience in coaching and education have formed  into a philosophy centered on three key pillars: connection, character, and competence.

Simplicity in Strategy: The Rule of Three

Coach Finn's journey in coaching led him to realize the power of simplicity. Coach found many  coaches have complex program manuals brimming with numerous core values, he found solace in the simplicity of the rule of three. By distilling his coaching philosophy into three core values, Coach Finn ensures that his team can readily internalize and apply them in their everyday lives. After all, as Coach Finn emphasizes, "Can your people actually remember them?"

The Three Ingredients of Trust: Connection, Character, Competence

Central to Coach Finn's coaching philosophy are the three essential ingredients of trust: connection, character, and competence. For him, connection begins with open communication and a genuine interest in each team member's life beyond the field. By actively investing in relationships and making consistent deposits of care and concern, Coach Finn fosters a culture of trust within his program.

Brian Petersen, the host, interjected, lauding Finn's commitment to authentic communication. "Coach Finn never lets a kid ghost him," he remarked, highlighting Finn's unwavering dedication to fostering connections with his players.

Character, Coach Finn underscores, is revealed through consistency over time. It's not merely about what one says but how consistently one's actions align with their professed values. And while competence is vital, Coach Finn reminds us that trust is multifaceted, built upon the recognition that different individuals are trusted for different things.

Aaron Stecker delved into the intricacies of character development, cautioning against jeopardizing hard-earned trust. "Loss in buckets never forget that," he urged, emphasizing the fragility of trust and the need for consistent integrity.

Application in Program Development

Coach Finn's approach to building trust and alignment extends beyond theoretical discourse; it permeates every aspect of program development. From offseason planning to game-time decisions, Coach Finn emphasizes the importance of grounding actions in core values. By consistently aligning activities with these values, coaches and leaders can nurture a culture of trust and accountability within their programs.

Todd Gordon echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the significance of trust-building over time. "We have lifetime leverage," he asserted. "Our influence doesn't dissipate once our players leave us. It stays with them, shaping their lives beyond the field."

Reflection and Growth

Integral to Coach Finn's coaching philosophy is a commitment to continuous reflection and growth. He encourages coaches to assess their performance through the lens of their core values, challenging them to practice what they preach. In doing so, coaches not only enhance their effectiveness but also reinforce the trust and alignment at the heart of their programs.

Coach Finn's insights serve as a guiding light for bound directors and coaches navigating the intricacies of program development. By embracing simplicity, nurturing trust, and anchoring actions in core values, coaches can cultivate thriving athletic programs where athletes flourish on and off the field.

Mark Gunderson reminisced about Finn's mentorship approach, likening it to his college baseball coach's relational style. "When you show you care and have an active interest in them, it works both ways," he observed, highlighting Finn's genuine investment in his players' lives.

As Coach Finn aptly summarizes, "Having your three things... on your heart... [ensures] if it's not showing up in your work, then something's missing." With trust and alignment as their compass, coaches can chart a course toward sustained success and profound impact in the lives of their athletes.

"At the heart of any meaningful relationship lies genuine connection," Garvis emphasizes, shedding light on the foundation upon which effective coaching thrives. This sentiment resonates deeply within the coaching community, where the pursuit of victory intersects with the pursuit of personal growth.

As the discussion drew to a close, the consensus was clear: coaching transcends the Xs and Os. It's about nurturing relationships, upholding values, and continuously striving for growth. With Finn's insights as a guiding light, coaches and ADs alike left Beyond Bound with renewed vigor and a shared commitment to excellence both on and off the field.

As coaches, educators, and mentors, this message serves as a poignant reminder of the profound privilege and responsibility inherent in our roles as athletic leaders. By embracing the power of authentic connections, we not only elevate the performance of our athletes but also enrich their lives in ways that extend far beyond the game. Through empathy, trust, and genuine care, we pave the way for a new generation of resilient, empowered individuals poised to conquer life's challenges with unwavering determination and grace.