Beyond Bound Episode 26: Baseball's Life Lessons for ADs and Coaches

Beyond Bound Episode 26: Baseball's Life Lessons for ADs and Coaches

Hosted by former coach and AD Mark Gunderson


Baseball’s life lessons can be applied to the role of an athletic director and coach by being a good teammate, maintaining a clean environment, sacrificing for the team, making smart decisions, ignoring outside noise, acknowledging mistakes, embracing failure, and displaying positive body language.


  • ⚾ Baseball’s life lessons can be applied to the role of an athletic director/coach
  • 👥 Being a good teammate is important for athletes and athletic directors
  • 🧹 Maintaining cleanliness and pride in your environment is crucial
  • 🤝 Sacrificing personal interests for the benefit of the team is expected
  • 🧠 Making smart decisions and planning ahead is essential
  • 🙉 Ignoring outside noise and focusing on the task at hand is important
  • 🙌 Acknowledging mistakes and taking ownership is a sign of accountability
  • 🤝 Embracing failure and learning from it is a valuable trait
  • 👍 Displaying positive body language sets a good example for others

Key Insights

  • ⚾ Baseball’s life lessons translate well into the role of an athletic director. The characteristics of being a good teammate, maintaining cleanliness, sacrificing for the team, making smart decisions, ignoring outside noise, acknowledging mistakes, embracing failure, and displaying positive body language are all essential for success in both roles.
  • 👥 As athletic directors, it is important to be a good teammate to coaches and athletes, supporting and cheering them on even during challenging times. This helps foster a positive and supportive environment within the athletic program.
  • 🧹 Maintaining cleanliness and pride in the environment is not only important for baseball dugouts and buses, but also for the overall image and reputation of the school and athletic program. It shows respect and sets a high standard for everyone involved.
  • 🤝 Sacrificing personal interests for the benefit of the team is a crucial trait for coaches and athletic directors. This may involve sacrificing free time to support a coach’s development or making tough decisions for the overall success of the program.
  • 🧠 Making smart decisions and planning ahead is essential for both baseball players and athletic directors. Having a strategic mindset and anticipating potential challenges or opportunities can greatly contribute to the success of the team or program.
  • 🙉 Ignoring outside noise and maintaining focus on the task at hand is important for athletes and athletic directors alike. In a world filled with distractions and criticism, staying focused on the goals and values of the program is key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
  • 🙌 Acknowledging mistakes and taking ownership is a sign of accountability and integrity. By admitting when we are wrong and learning from our failures, we set a positive example for others and create a culture of continuous improvement.
  • 🤝 Embracing failure and learning from it is a valuable trait in both baseball and athletic administration. Failure is inevitable, but it is through failure that we learn, grow, and ultimately become better coaches, leaders, and individuals.
  • 👍 Displaying positive body language, such as maintaining good posture and a confident demeanor, is important for both baseball players and athletic directors. It communicates professionalism, positivity, and a sense of purpose, which can inspire and motivate those around us.